Who am I

Hello All,

Walter Soestbergen is living in the Netherlands in a small city near Utrecht called Vleuten. He is increasingly active in photography since 1996. One of his important photography shoots is a biennial review at an local Aquarium which he do to show on another website.

In 2006 he got seriously involved in Nature Photography and in particular Birds and Macro shooting. As you can see from his galleries, this type of photography is very intense for him. Lately his interests are broadening but more about that later.

Nature photography is very demanding. Often it takes weeks of planning for a shoot and it is not unusual during the shoot to take an hour or more to set up for one photograph. For example, the Kingfisher shots that you see here often took many hours just to get one suitable capture…multiply that by all the best photos of the Kingfishers in the kingfischer gallery and you can see that much time was used and time is a precious commodity!

Photography is an excellent hobby but be ready when the photo bug bites you to spend a lot of time learning and many dollars spent to fulfill your growing need for better and better lenses and cameras to suit your branch of photography. In his case the tele-lenses have cost me plenty!

Enjoy your time at this site!


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All photos on these pages are copyright to © Walter Soestbergen 2005 - 2017 and may not be reproduced or used for any purpose without permission.
Design and developed by Walter Soestbergen.

Find me also on Google+ under Birds4All and Macro4All